If you are interested in becoming a member of Columbia Sailing Club, please follow our application process.
Begin by contacting Vice Commodore Rich Horton via email
Please submit all membership inquiries, club visit requests, and other membership questions to Rich Horton at richhorton@gmail.com.
To formally begin the CSC member application process, please print the application below and submit the completed application via email to richhorton@gmail.com. All applicants need a current CSC club member to sponsor their application, and must also meet various members from the sailing club. A sponsor can be found by attending public club events and meeting CSC club members. The membership committee meets the first Tuesday of the month to process applications. However, we may not meet each month depending on the number of new members. New members should meet at least four members of this committee.
The membership application process is an extensive, detailed process designed to bring new members into the Columbia Sailing Club who will be positive additions to the club. The process is structured so the membership committee can get to know each applicant to able to make an informed recommendation to the board.